Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Faith or Fear...

Faith or Fear?

Sounds simple doesn’t it? Two simple words that all of us understand or at least we think we do. But if one were to ask you, what is Faith or what is Fear, what would be your answer? Ideally, that is if we could, we would choose to recite the definition of these two terms as per defined by Oxford Dictionaries. Then again, if you merely provide the definition of this two terms in a undergraduate level examination, you’d most probably score 2/100, that is if you did proper referencing.

Now, imagine this is indeed a undergraduate level exam, and that is all you have wrote. Your mind is blank and now you face a choice. Should you stop writing and just submit the paper?

The choices you have:

(1) You stop writing
(2) You try to crap the way business school students do (and hopefully there will be a few points that the lecturer can salvage from your pile of crap)




Was your choice based on your Faith or your Fear?

Did you continue on writing because you were fearful of the consequences if you fail?

Did you stop writing because you had faith that you already did your best and everything will turn out alright?

Did you continue on writing because you have faith that whatever you write will be able to score you a few extra points (even when you don’t have any idea what the hell you’re writing about)?

Did you stop writing because you were fearful that whatever you write will make you look foolish and result in a lower grade?

Every choice that you made was made on either based on your faith or your fear. Which choice was easier to make? To just do it because you have faith that God will sustain you through whatever you are about to face or to not do it because you are afraid or the consequences of your actions. I don’t have an answer to that. Both options are as right and as wrong at the same time.

When someone asks us to take the step of faith, there’s always this bit of fear and doubt that hold us back. To leave everything into God’s hands and don’t do anything, or do everything you can and believe that God will make it right. Which is the right thing to do? Which is the real step of Faith? And at the same time, there’s this bit of doubt in you that forces you to ponder, is your way God’s way?

There’s so much to learn but so little time.

There’re so many questions but yet there isn’t one answer that can answer all those questions.

To believe or to doubt? (Not God but humans)

I don’t know…

Tell me and I will Heed
Show me and I will See
Involve me and I will Understand
No longer keep me in the darkness, but break the doubts that chain me and let me soar freely in the seven skies…